Saturday, July 12, 2008

The pack grows . . . .

Hi everybody! Woof!

Wow, what an exciting week its been. First of all, we have a new member of our pack. I just love her to death! She lets me sleep on the bed with her, and takes me for short walks around the house. As you can see in the picture below, we get along really well.

Well, yesterday we all piled in to the car and took a really long drive. We first stopped at this big building, and the rest of the pack got out and loaded these long blue things into the back of the truck. Then we started to drive again, and we turned around, and we turned around again, and we drove some more. Then my pack leader pulled over on the side of the road and started working with the blue things, all the while traffic was speeding by. I was concerned that my pack leaders were going to get hurt, so I kept a close eye on them.

Finally we stopped at a lake, and my pack leaders took the long blue things and put them in the water. They tried to take me in one of them, but I'm still not to sure about water yet. I was a bit concerned because once they sat in the blue things, they floated away! But they always returned after a few minutes.

A while later, they put the blue things back in the truck, and we went to the open beach area. I followed my pack into the water, but I didn't like it very much. The new pack member picked me up and carried me out into the water, then let go of me. I didn't like that at all! I got back to the ground, then ran around in circles to dry off. When we got home I was exhausted. Woof!

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